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Daily Student Bulletin

friday, march 28th

friday, march 28th

Calling all 8th grade students!  Would you like to present a Speech at this year’s Promotion Ceremony? Charlotte Wood will be holding Promotion Speaker Auditions on Wednesday, April 23rd before school.  Flyers are posted in the Front Office and Counseling Office with all the details.  Please see Ms. Golabi in the Front Office for more information. 
Kickball!! Hey Chargers, wanna play Kickball? Our last after school sport will start taking sign ups in the counseling office on March 31st. See Ms. Mignano in the Counseling office for all information. 
Spirit Week continues next Tuesday:
Tuesday (April 1st): Crazy, Mismatch, Backwards day (Crazy socks, hair, backwards clothing, mismatched clothing, etc)