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California Junior Scholarship Federation (CJSF)



CJSF stands for California Junior Scholarship Federation.  It is the Middle School's version of High School's CSF (California Scholarship Federation).
CJSF is a statewide organization founded for the purpose of fostering high standards of scholarship, service, and citizenship in the middle grades.  CJSF emphasizes service to the community while creating pride in scholastic achievement.  Click here to view the CJSF/CSF State Website.
Who is eligible for membership?
7th grade students are eligible to apply in Jan/Feb of their 7th grade year after previous Fall semester grades are posted in Infinite Campus.
8th grade students apply in Sept then again in Jan/Feb of their 8th grade year.
6th graders are not eligible to apply.
Students must re-apply each semester.
When does CJSF meet?
After school approximately once a month from October through May. See schedule in the right margin for specific meeting dates and times. Please try your best to attend as many meetings as possible.
What are the academic requirements for CJSF?
To qualify for membership each semester, follow these guidelines:
1. The only courses that qualify for membership are Math, Science, English, History/Social Studies, & Foreign Language (if taken).
2. No points are earned for PE, a remedial or repeated course, summer school, or electives (except Spanish/French) like Robotics, Video Production, Band, or Leadership.
3. CJSF points are granted as follows:
            A = 3 points
            B = 1 point
            C = 0 points           
            D/F = will disqualify membership if received in ANY class.
4. You must earn TWICE the number of points than courses that meet the requirements.
(ex: 4 Qualifying courses x 2 = 8; 8 points are required for the semester).  If you meet this requirement, you are eligible for CJSF membership for that semester only.
What volunteer work is required?
In addition to the grade requirements above, students are required to complete 5 hours of volunteer service per semester to obtain all benefits of CJSF membership.  Tutoring, coaching, volunteer work at school and within the community can all be counted.  Any service that is not compensated and helps others qualifies. Work can be done at home or at another location.  Be creative, help people & have fun!! The goal is for members to balance their high academic achievement with public or school service.  Hours completed for Superchargers, NCL, Boy/Girl Scouts all count towards your 5 hours as long as you turn in the signed CJSF Volunteer Log to get credit for them.  Transportation time to/from each activity can be counted as well.  See CJSF homepage for ideas & links to some volunteer opportunities close to home. 
However, you cannot count any activities that are required in a class (ie:  if you are in Leadership and you work at Charger Camp, candy grams, and/or CWMS dances).
What are the benefits of CJSF membership?
CJSF Semester Members can attend all semester meetings.
CJSF Honor Members:   Students who qualify for CJSF for ALL 3 semesters during 7th & 8th grade will promote "With Honors" at 8th grade promotion.  All CJSF Honor Members receive a CJSF gold pin that they can wear to Promotion, a gold seal on their Promotion Certificate, an asterisk (*) next to their name in the Promotion Program, will have their school records marked with CJSF, and they will be accepted as an Associate Member in CSF (the high school California Scholarship Federation) during their Freshman year and able to attend CSF meetings instead of having to wait until their sophomore year.  
When do students apply?
8TH GRADERS:  Your Fall membership application is due in September and is based on your previous Spring semester grades.  Check the Important Dates section ion the right of this page.  No late applications can be accepted.  Don't forget to apply again in January for the SPRING SEMESTER of your 8th grade year using your Fall grades.
7TH GRADERS:  The first time that you can apply for CJSF membership is in your 7th grade year after your FALL SEMESTER grades have been posted in Infinite Campus at the end of January.  Check the Important Dates section of the CJSF webpage.  Then apply again in Sept of your 8th grade year and a 3rd time in January of your 8th grade year.
6TH GRADERS are not eligible for CJSF.  


  • Wait for previous semester grades to post in Infinite Campus.
  • Fill out the CJSF APPLICATION (link is on the right of this page).  Submit the application ONLINE ONLY with a PDF of your previous semester grades (instructions on how to access your grades are on the CJSF website). No printed grade reports will be accepted - they must be added to your CJSF Google Form application. CJSF also asks for an optional $5 membership donation. This should not be submitted until after students have been accepted into CJSF. Donations can be paid to the CWMS main office.
    • optional $5 membership fee pays for Charlotte Wood's CJSF Annual State Membership fees, gold seals for promotion certificates, CJSF Honor Member pins, and snacks for meetings.
    • $5 optional check should be made payable to Charlotte Wood Middle School
  • You cannot apply for any semesters that you missed application due dates in the past.


Fall 2024 CJSF membership is for current  8th grade students only using Spring Semester 2024 grades
6th graders are not eligible for CJSF.
7th graders must wait until Jan/Feb and apply for Spring semester membership.
8th graders may apply both semesters.
To qualify for membership each semester, follow these guidelines:
  • The only courses that qualify for membership are Math, Science, English, History/Social Studies, & Foreign Language (if taken).
  • No points are earned for PE, a remedial or repeated course, summer school, or electives (except Spanish/French) like Robotics, Video Production, Band, or Leadership.
  • CJSF points are granted as follows:
            A = 3 points
            B = 1 point
            C = 0 points
            D/F = will disqualify membership if received in ANY class.
  • You must earn TWICE the number of points than courses that meet the requirements.
  • (ex: 4 Qualifying courses x 2 = 8; 8 points are required for the semester).  If you meet this requirement, you are eligible for CJSF membership for that semester only.
If you meet the grade requirements, please use the google form link. This is the only form you will need to submit for this application cycle.
You are automatically a semester member if you meet the requirements AND submit an application.
Remember you need 3 semesters of CJSF membership to become a CJSF HONOR MEMBER. 
Make sure you complete your 5 hours of volunteer service for the Fall 2023 Semester and turn in your Volunteer Logs by 12/14. Count any hours in which you volunteered from 6/1/23  through 12/1/23 for Fall semester.      
Your goal should be to become a CJSF HONOR MEMBER which is  3 out of 3 semesters during your 7th & 8th grade years.  If you accomplish this, you will be an "Honor Member" and will get:
  • a CJSF Honor member pin to wear at 8th Grade Promotion
  • an asterisk (*) next to your name in the 8th Grade Promotion Program
  • gold seal on your Promotion Certificate
  • your school records will be marked CJSF and you will be eligible to apply for CSF at your high school your freshman year instead of having to wait until your sophomore year.
If you have questions, please have your STUDENT email the CJSF Coordinator, Mrs. Stevens.


Informational Meeting in Room #506 - 8th Grade Applicants Only Sept. 12 @2:50pm
8TH graders ONLY apply
available Sept. 12 #3:30.
Sept. 20 @3:30pm
1st Fall CJSF Meeting Sept 26 @2:50pm
2nd Fall CJSF Meeting Nov. 7 @2:50pm
Final Fall CJSF Meeting
VOLUNTEER LOGS DUE at this meeting
Dec. 10 @2:50pm
End of Semester Party & Meeting ~ Room 506/Garden Area Dec. 12 @2:50pm


CJSF members must volunteer at least 5 hours each semester to attend the End of Semester Party in December and the End of the Year party in May.  
* Volunteer Logs for the Fall semester must be completed & turned into room #506 (Mrs. Stevens' room) by the due date. *
Your volunteer hours begin the moment you leave your house and end when you get home. Include your travel time. If you purchase supplies or something needed for your volunteer session, include the time it took to purchase those supplies. You may also do work at home for a teacher, librarian, or community service member.  There are a bunch of volunteer ideas & opportunities in the right margin of the CJSF webpage along with links.  But these are not all-inclusive - be creative, help people & HAVE FUN!  You cannot include any activities that are required as part of a class or as part of Leadership such as Charger Camp, candy grams, or dances.
Unfortunately, CJSF and Charlotte Wood are unable to reimburse for any supplies or costs related to volunteering so please make sure you are aware of any upfront costs before you volunteer.  Other than the animal shelters, there is rarely a cost associated with volunteering.
Volunteer ideas:
East Bay SPCA - there is a cost to this one
Fundraising events at elementary, middle, and high school.  Go to that school's website. (ie:  Greenbrook Elementary)
Buy or make cookies for the fire dept, police department, and hospital (call them first to make sure they can accept donations of food)
Peer Tutoring - see counselor Katie Shepherd at Charlotte Wood for opportunities.
Babysit or tutor a neighbor (no family) for free